
2023年5月21日—DefaultcompileSdkVersioncausescompilationfailure#2486...AndroidThisissueisspecifictoAndroidMissingreprolabelsonMay21,2023.,2015年6月5日—nottosurewhyI'mgettingthiserrorinthegradle.buildfileandyesIhavedownloadedtheSDKversion22.mark_vieira(MarkVieira)June ...,2014年3月12日—Ifsomethingismissing,andyouhaveclearlydeclaredit,itmeansthatitwasqueriedbeforeitwasdefined.Movethequery(codetha...

Default compileSdkVersion causes compilation failure ...

2023年5月21日 — Default compileSdkVersion causes compilation failure #2486 ... Android This issue is specific to Android Missing repro labels on May 21, 2023.

Android Studio says "compileSDK version missing"

2015年6月5日 — not to sure why I'm getting this error in the file and yes I have downloaded the SDK version 22. mark_vieira (Mark Vieira) June ...


2014年3月12日 — If something is missing, and you have clearly declared it, it means that it was queried before it was defined. Move the query (code that ...

SDK Build Tools release notes

Android SDK Build-Tools is a component of the Android SDK required for building Android apps. It's installed in the <sdk>/build-tools/ directory.

Getting android.compileSdkVersion is missing! error gradle ...

2015年5月28日 — I am trying to build my library and upload it to the repository, but unfortunatly gradle build fails. I have spent several hours trying to ...

android.compileSdkVersion is missing

2014年8月8日 — You are missing critical components of your manifest. The SDK error you are receiving is because the compiler doesn't know at what SDK level ...


2015年11月27日 — 好奇葩,不小心碰到这个问题了,本来好好的工程,我不小心操作发现这个出问题了. 就是build.gradle文件,错误的如下.

compileSdkVersion is not specified. Please add it to build. ...

I want to implement notifee in my react native app. I have paste Package.json , build.gradle (both) and Metro bundler error.

The project cant run. I tried everything

2015年5月1日 — The build file may be missing a gradle plugin. Android studio version 1.1.0 Here is a my build.gradle: apply plugin: ''.